Groundwater Nitrogen Source Identification and Remediation

Project Tasks

Task 1: Project Administration

The Texas Water Resources Institute will effectively administer, coordinate and monitor all work performed under this project including technical and financial supervision and preparation of status reports.

Task Leader: Lucas Gregory

Task 2: Quality Assurance

The Texas Water Resources Institute with assistance from other project partners will develop data quality objectives (DQOs) and quality assurance/control (QA/QC) activities to ensure data of known and acceptable quality are generated through this project.

Task Leader: Lucas Gregory

Task 3: Groundwater Nitrogen Source Identification

The Bureau of Economic Geology (UT-BEG) will quantify the changes between native rangeland sites and cultivated sites that are in close proximity to each other. UT-BEG will use data from the USDA Bushland site near Amarillo where an area of the research station has been maintained under rangeland management and is adjacent to cropland.

Task Leader: Bridget Scanlon

Task 4: Evaluation and demonstration of Nitrogen Remediation Strategies

Texas AgriLife Research will identify and evaluate strategies and practices for reducing nitrate levels in groundwater in the Texas High Plains and Rolling Plains. The benefits and effectiveness of select practices, such as nitrogen crediting, will be demonstrated by Texas AgriLife Research - Vernon to farmers throughout the region.

Task Leader: Paul DeLaune

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